Friday, August 28

Mother and daughter splash out £56,000 on surgery to look like Katie Price (Watch video & photos)

Mother and daughter splash out £56,000 on surgery to look like Katie Price (Watch video & photos)

wlalhs kx.shs jf.a bkak wïuf.hs ÿjf.hs PdhdrEm iy ùäfhda fukak

f,dalfha bkak ñksiqkag tl tl  ld,hg tl tl msiaiq woyia tkjdfka' tkak ta jf.a msiaiqjla  wïu flfkl=ghs ÿjghs we;s fj,d ;sfhkjd'

ta fokakd ma,diaála ie;alula lrf.k tlu jf.a fj,d'

ta ma,diaála ie;alu ksid wïu ljqo ÿj ljqo lsh,;a yßhg oeka y÷kd.kak;a nE'

ta fokakd  fï úÈhg ma,diaála ie;alula lrf.k ;sfhkafka Katie Price  kï fudaia;r ksrEmK Ys,amsKsh jf.a fjkakÆ'

thd,d fokakd  Katie Price g  f.dvla wdorh lrk fokfkla lsh,hs úfoaY udOH fmkajd fokafka'

fldfydu jqK;a fï ma,diaála ie;alug mjqï 56000 l uqo,la jeh fj,d lsh,hs wdrxÑh'

thd,d ma,diaál ie;alñka lrf.k ;sfhkafka f;d,a iy miqmiq m% foaY njg jd¾;d fjkjd'

fldfydu jqK;a n,kakflda fuhd,f.a fjki y÷kd.kak mq¿jkao lsh,d'

Mother and daughter splash out £56,000 on surgery to look like Katie Price (Watch video & photos)

Mother and daughter splash out £56,000 on surgery to look like Katie Price (Watch video & photos)

Mother and daughter splash out £56,000 on surgery to look like Katie Price (Watch video & photos)

Mother and daughter splash out £56,000 on surgery to look like Katie Price (Watch video & photos)

Mother and daughter splash out £56,000 on surgery to look like Katie Price (Watch video & photos)