Saturday, May 2

US Secretary of State John Kerry is the first Secretary of State to visit Sri Lanka since 1972

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

jir 43lg miq Y%S ,xldjg meñKs wfußldkq rdcH f,alï‍jrhd
^PdhdrEm iy ùäfhda&

óg fmr Y%S ,xldjg ks, ixpdrhla i|yd wfußldkq rdcH f,alïjrfhl= meñKfha 1972 § h'ta ú,shï msh¾ia frdc¾ia uy;dhs'2005 § fld,ska mfj,a rdcH f,alïjrhd furgg meñKsh ;a th ks, ixpdrhla fkdùh'wo furgg meñKs fcdaka fl‍Í uy;d wfußldfõ ckdêm;s Oqrhg ;r. l< wfmalaIlfhls'Tyq wfußldfõ 68 jeks rdcH f,alïjrhdhs'wfußldkq rdcH f,alïjrhd wo fmrjrefõ ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d iu. idlÉPdjl ksr; úh'tys§ fcdaka flÍ uy;d Ökh iy bkaÈhdj iu. Y%S ,xldj mj;ajk ñ;%in|;d ms<sn| úuiSula lf<ah'tys§ ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d mejiqfõ úfoaY in|;dj,§ uOHia: fkdneÈ ms<sfj;la wkq.ukh lrk nj h'

¥IK uev,Su i|yd w,a,ia fldñifï ks,OdÍkag fmd,Sishg iy wmrdO mÍlaIK fomd¾;fïka;=fõ ks,OdÍkag mqyqKqjla ,ndfok f,i ckdêm;sjrhd l< b,a,Sug wfußldkq rdcH f,alïjrhdf.a tl.;dj m< úh'

we;eï Y%S ,dxlslhska úfoaY nexl=j, i.jd we;s uqo,a ms<sn|j fiùug wfußldfõ iyh ,ndfok f,i ckdêm;sjrhd b,a,d isá w;r Bg fcdaka flÍ uy;d ish tl.;ajh m< lf<ah'

fcdaka flÍ uy;d jeä ÿrg ;a mejiqfõ Y%S ,xldfõ mj;sk iqnjd§ ;;a;ajh fya;=fjka ,nk jif¾ wdishdkq ixpdrhl ksr; jk ‍wfußldkq ckdêm;s ne/la Tndud uy;dg Y%S ,xldfõ o ixpdrhl ksr; ùu i|yd ks¾foaY bÈßm;a lrk nj h'

w.%dud;H rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d iu. idlÉPdjla o wr,sh.y ukaÈrfha§ meje;aúh'

úfoaY wud;H ux., iurùr uy;d iu. meje;s idlÉPdfjka wk;=rej wo oyj,a taldnoaO m%ldYhla ksl=;a flßK'

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka

US Secretary of State John Kerry Sri Lanka