Saturday, May 23

2 American girls arrested in Cambodia after taking nude photos inside the sacred Angkor Wat temple

Gossip Lanka, Hiru Gossip, Lanka C News - 2 American girls arrested in Cambodia after taking nude photos inside the sacred Angkor Wat temple
Gossip Lanka, Hiru Gossip, Lanka C News
;reKshka fofofkla mkaif,a ksrej;ska PdhdrEm wrka

ldïfndacfha Angkor fn!oaO úydr ixlS¾Kh keröug meñfKk ixpdrlhkaf.a wuq;= yeisÍula ksid f,dj mqrd udOH wjOdkh th fj; ,eî ;sfnkjd' ta" uE; ld,hl mgka" úydr ixlS¾Kh fj; meñfKk úfoia ixpdrlhka" th bÈßmsg ksrej;ska PdhdrEm .ekSug fm<öu;a iuÛ hs' ldïfndacfha fn!oaO Wreufhys

ixfla;h f,i hs Angkor úydr ixlS¾Kh ie,flkafka' thg isÿjk wf.!rjh ksid" úydr ixlS¾Kh bÈßmsg ksrej;a PdhdrEm .ekSu ;ykï lrñka ldïfndac rch kS;shla o f.k wdjd' thg wkqj fï jk úg;a" ksrej;aj PdhdrEm .;a ixpdrlhka ;sfofkl= msgqjy,a lr we;s nj jd¾;d jkjd'

Gossip Lanka, Hiru Gossip, Lanka C News - 2 American girls arrested in Cambodia after taking nude photos inside the sacred Angkor Wat temple

Gossip Lanka, Hiru Gossip, Lanka C News - 2 American girls arrested in Cambodia after taking nude photos inside the sacred Angkor Wat temple

Gossip Lanka, Hiru Gossip, Lanka C News - 2 American girls arrested in Cambodia after taking nude photos inside the sacred Angkor Wat temple

Gossip Lanka, Hiru Gossip, Lanka C News - 2 American girls arrested in Cambodia after taking nude photos inside the sacred Angkor Wat temple

Gossip Lanka, Hiru Gossip, Lanka C News - 2 American girls arrested in Cambodia after taking nude photos inside the sacred Angkor Wat temple

Gossip Lanka, Hiru Gossip, Lanka C News - 2 American girls arrested in Cambodia after taking nude photos inside the sacred Angkor Wat temple

Gossip Lanka, Hiru Gossip, Lanka C News - 2 American girls arrested in Cambodia after taking nude photos inside the sacred Angkor Wat temple