Monday, April 13

Another Sri Lankan record has been entered into the Guinness Book of World Records

Another Sri Lankan record has been entered into the Guinness Book of World Records

wmg ;j;a f,dal jd¾;djla
fínÿ urK jeäu rg Y%S ,xldj

,xldj ;=< msßñka w;r isfrdaisia‌ urK wkqmd;h 100"000 lg 33'4 la‌ jk w;r th ta ms<sn|j f,dj by<u wkqmd;h jk nj fi!LH wud;HdxYh mjihs'

Y%S ,xldfõ uoHidr Ndú;h md,kh ms<sn| cd;sl m%;sm;a;shla‌ l%shd;aul lsÍug rch ;SrKh lr ;sfí'
rfÜ mj;sk ish Èú kid .ekSï yd is;d u;d isÿ lr .efkk ysxikhka iuÛ uoHidr oeäj ne£ mj;S' tfukau
.Dyia‌: m%pKa‌v;ajh yd ÿmam;alu w;r o uoHidr oeäj ne£ mj;S'

Y%S ,xldfõ uoHidr Ndú;h md,kh ms<sn| cd;sl m%;sm;a;sh i|yd fi!LH weue;s rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d úiska weue;s uKa‌v,fha wkque;sh o ,ndf.k we;'