Wednesday, October 14

Biology teacher at Groene Hart Rijnwoude school strips off in classroom to reveal spandex suit

Biology teacher at Groene Hart Rijnwoude school strips off in classroom to reveal spandex suit

isiqka bÈßfha weÿï .,jd oeuQ .=rejßh

fvî y¾flka lshkafka Ôj úoHd W.kajk .=rejßhla' weh Èkl mdief,a mka;sldurfha .=refïih u; ke.S ;u weÿï tlska tl Wkd oeuqjd'

we;a;gu weh Bg háka ;u isref¾ fldgia wÈk ,o weÿula‍ we| isg ;sfnkjd' fuh yqfolau YÍrfha fmaYSka iy wia:s fldgia ms<sno isiqkag ksishdldr meyeÈ,s lsßug weh .;a wmQre W;aiyhla

weh .;a fuu wmQre ks¾udKYS,s l%shdj,sh fndfydafofkl=f.a m%ixidjg ,lafj,d ;sfnkjd'

tu ùäfhdaj my,ska n,kak